

I tend to have problem to grasp properly what is being told to me right away, so I try my best to make things I talk about really hard to not understand, doesn’t mean if I talk to my friends or a client. However, I have to keep in mind to not overdo it, since I don’t want people get the impression that I think they are dumb. I can also get really cought up in my speaking so I have to remind myself to pay attention and be aware of my audience. Make myself approachable is also very important for me, as I don’t like my presentation to be strictly one-sided (even if I am the only one talking, I don’t like the atmosphere of “I talk, you sit still and listen”).

Also, I’m picky about the words I use, as I really want to express myself in the most accurate way possible. At the same time, I don’t like to use over-technical terms, if I am not sure that everyone in the room can understand it. Always use simple but precise words, since I hate sounding pretentious more than anything.


Of course, my tone is slightly changing according to people I am talking to. It may also change from person to person. Normally, I’d say that I am pretty cheerful, energetic and expressive with my presentation regardless the “seriousness” of the situation (part of the reason is simply me being nervous and trying to hide it). However, that could change depending on the mood in the room - I don’t see the need to be jolly if the mood is more on the serious side, but I always avoid being percieved as bored or uninterested. Body language and facial expressions are also something I am aware of and quite naturally incorporating in my speaking.

Few principles of my tone & voice

  1. provide reasoning (but dont over explain!)
  2. be sure in my words but don’t be close-minded
  3. friendly and open/approachable
  4. read the room and adapt
  5. support my speaking with facial expressions and body language


by default, i rarely use upper case and proper punctation, since i can forget what i want to say reaaally quickly and these details can get in my way – but thats not adequate, if the goal is my text to be easily readable

So when I’m done writing, I go back and correct myself. Other than that, I tend to use em dash in my writing quite often, instead of a comma (just stylistic choice). And if it’s possible, use italics, black (and brackets), mostly for better orientation in my text and to add some dynamics. Regarding the actual text, I focus on the flow of my sentences a lot, trying to smoothly connect my ideas and don’t overuse the same words or phrases over and over again. Same as in my speaking, I try to be as authentic as possible.