
Graphic design of a students’ magazine for an online environment


Redesigning a students’ magazine Povstalec N°2 and creating its functional digital version. Designing a flexible layout for both versions to ease the production. Exploring trends in online publishing, with a focus on the usage of interactive elements for better readability. Suggesting communication strategy and means of promotion.

Mind Map

A thesis topic made into mind map.


Key Points

  1. Background/importance of topic:
    • I’ve already designed a few issues of the magazine – all printed versions. There’s a need for a digital version now, 1. for a better representation of the school and 2. for enriching my skill set as a designer.
  2. Purpose/hypothesis (thesis or statement of problem):
    • The students’ magazine is now only published in a printed version. That’s is not adequate for the school standards (and today’s trends) and thus does not fulfil its potential.
  3. Research — design/methodology/approach including procedures/data/observations:
    • Studying different students’ magazines and online magazines in general. How are they designed, published and what technology are they using. I’m asking for observations and ideas of other students who are my target group – usually by verbal dialogue. Then figuring out their habits in consuming online content and taking them into account. Also put into use my previous experience working on the publication.
  4. Findings (highlight outcome of research):
    • There aren’t many students magazines (which would be actually run by students) in czech republic, and the few which exist aren’t adjusted for digital env.
    • The results of questionnaire (for now) shows, that 50% of students who answered would still rather pick up a printed version of magazine – despite the fact that very few of them choose “print” as they preferable media for consuming content overall.
  5. Conclusions (significance/success of study to theory/practical/society):
    • not yet reached but I’m approaching it in outrageous speed.
    • (but generally, to try and offer some type of template for publishing digital magazines)



Students’ magazine I design is now only published in printed version, which is a shame because it’s not fulfilling its potential. (as a students’ magazine published at “creative communication” university)


I looked up other students’ magazines and online magazines in general, what technology they use, how they are designed etc. I dived a little more into online publishing and I’m also talking with other students at our school - to see how they view our magazine and what they would change.


… well hopefully the best outcome would be that more students would read and maybe even contribute to our magazine - and for me to gain more understanding and experience in online publishing, because I think it’s cool to know (and useful).